Written by Jamie Fletcher
Remember those glory days of college parties, when inhibitions were lower than your standards for what one would deem ‘drinkable’. Whether you were a fan of slapping the wine bag, or were more of a keg stand connoisseurs, you likely departed from your drink of choice whenever the quintessential (and highly questionable) jungle juice punch bowl made an appearance.
Did you have any idea what was in it? Nope.
Did it taste good? Absolutely not.
Would you chug down a few Solo cups worth anyways? Obviously.
Since we’re big on nostalgia and low on our tolerance for the torture that is post-college hangovers, we’re sharing our go-to party punch that serves the fun and flavor of the Jungle Juice concoctions of your past, without the day after #RAGRETS.
What You’ll Need…
- 4 cup pineapple juice
- 4 cup mango juice
- 3 cups fruit punch
- 3 cups POG Juice
- 12oz Valencia Orange Bubbles
- 12oz Watermelon Bubbles
- 1 cup pineapple juice
- 2 lemon sliced
- 3 orange sliced
- 4 kiwi
What You’ll Do…
- Add the sliced fruits to a punch bowl or drink dispenser.
- Add the fruit juices.
- Chill for at least 2 hours, preferably overnight.
- Top with Valencia Orange & Watermelon Bubbles right before serving.
- Cheers and sip!

Valencia Orange Bubbles & Watermelon Bubbles Bundle-- 16 fl oz | 24 Pack