Written by Just Water
JUST cartons are made with 54% paperboard. Paperboard is made with wood. And wood is precious.
At a time when our planet’s forests are being decimated worldwide, we know that it’s critical to understand the origin of wood-based products in order to use them responsibly. We need to know where the wood came from, whether the wood is derived from known and legal sources, and lastly, all about the sustainability of that source. More renewable materials in our products means less packaging from fossil fuels. And how do you ensure the materials keep renewing? You work with experts. Enter the Forest Stewardship Council ® .
Creating a Strong Paper Chain
Our materials are certified by the Forest Stewardship Council® – a global, not-for-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of responsible forest management worldwide. The FSC guarantees that the wood-based paper used to make JUST cartons come from healthy forests and strong communities. The certification system operated by the Forest Stewardship Council is intended to help conserve the world’s forests by certifying responsible forest management (from economic, environmental, and social viewpoints), and by awarding the FSC label to timber and forest products resulting from responsible forest management.
When it comes to sustainable manufacturing, every stage matters. The FSC certifies a strong paper chain of custody for JUST cartons, wherein the wood fibers used can be traced throughout every stage of the supply chain. The paper timber is monitored from its point of origin, to responsible harvesting, and back to replanting. This maintains the ecology, integrity, and longevity of the forests used. Through our packaging partner TetraPak, we work with The Rainforest Alliance as an independent verifier of the FSC Chain of Custody. The Rainforest Alliance is an international NGO that works to conserve biodiversity and ensure sustainable livelihoods by transforming land use, business practices, and consumer behavior.
Working With Our Environment
Because the paperboard used to make JUST cartons is derived from certified wood fiber, we minimize the need for materials made from fossil fuels like coal, petroleum, and natural gas. When harvesting wood for the paperboard, Forest Management respects all applicable laws of the country in which harvesting is done as well as any international treaties and agreements the country has signed. Forest Management also complies with all FSC Principles and Criteria. Long-term tenure and use rights to the land and forest resources must be clearly defined, documented, and legally established for harvesting to happen anywhere JUST cartons come from.
The health of the forests is not the only concern when considering the harvest of wood for paperboard — human rights are every bit as important to JUST as environmental preservation. To that end, the communities affected by forestry — especially those communities which are indigenous to the area at hand — must be thoughtfully considered. The legal and customary rights of indigenous peoples to own, use, and manage their lands, territories, and resources are respected through the forestry process at all costs. Those whose work makes our cartons possible are also of deep concern; forest management operations must always maintain or enhance the long-term social and economic well being of forest workers and local communities.
The health of a forest is a delicately balanced system requiring nuanced consideration and the highest level of respect. Forest Management operations are required to encourage efficient use of any forest’s limitless products and services to ensure economic viability and a wide range of environmental and social benefits. The biological diversity of forests must also be preserved, especially at a time when the planet’s forests are at most risk. A forest’s associated values, water resources, soils, and unique and fragile ecosystems and landscapes must be maintained through any harvest, so we take every possible precaution.
We’re Committed to Transparency
How often do you think about all the tiny decisions that go into making our material world? Probably not a ton, and that… is normal. Lots of people try their best to make sustainable decisions with the goods they purchase, opting for products branded as ‘sustainable’ without visibility into the processes used to make the products they’re buying. But how can you feel sure that you’re making the right choice without transparency from the brands you’re shopping? We think that ultimately, it’s up to the companies making the goods to educate and empower their customers to make decisions through access to information and thorough examination of each level of practice. At JUST, we make it our business to stay transparent about all our processes and take you with us on the journey. Our spring water cartons are just one piece of the puzzle.

Spring Water -- 16.9 fl oz | 24 Pack