Written by Just Water
With the weather warming up and lots of summer celebrations on the horizon, we thought we’d hit you with a fun, simple recipe to add a touch of fun to your perfectly sparkling JUST Bubbles cocktails, mocktails, or straight-up Bubbles sip.
Ready to add some red, white, & blue to your favorite bubbly bev? Read on!
Red White & Blue Cubes
Use any ice cube tray you’d like for this festive addition to your summer sips!
What You’ll Need:
Red & Blue Electrolyte Drink
JUST Bubbles (flavor of choice)
What You’ll Do:
- These ice cubes are frozen in three parts so that the colors remain separate.
- Fill 1/3 of the ice cube tray with the red electrolyte drink.
- Freeze the first layer completely.
- Pour in the second layer of JUST Still water.
- Freeze the second layer completely.
- Lastly fill the ice cube tray with the blue electrolyte drink.
- Let the ice cubes freeze completely.

HuckleBlueberry Bubbles & Watermelon Bubbles Bundle-- 16 fl oz | 24 Pack