Ah, the holiday season: a magical time of year when our fridges are filled with grandma’s delicacies and the malls look like the set of the cheesiest holiday Hallmark movies. So basically, the most wonderful time of the year is a minefield of diet destruction and fitness doom. What’s a wellness king or queen to do?

Fear not fam, we’ve got you! This how-to guide to a healthy holiday season drops easy-to-follow, practical strategies to keep things tight without compromising any of the festive fun. Plus, we wrap up this gift that keeps on giving with an at-home workout plan that’s a great way to sneak in movement in between the presents and the pie or any of those snow-days that leave you boxed in a house full of sugar cookies and mashed potatoes.

So sit back (but not for too long), relax, and let’s walk through the most wonderful time of the year with a wellness spin (as in spin bike, because pedaling while planning the tablescape is the energy we’re here for).

Tis’ the Season to Stay in Shape

Balance the Booze

Staying hydrated is key to feeling good during those holiday food fests. Instead of maintaining a steady stream of wine, spiked cocoa, and whiskey-rich eggnog, follow the 1:1 rule: one indulgent drink to one cup of water

If the thought of a still water intermission has you groaning already, try swapping in flavored sparkling water like Lime or Strawberry Bubbles (to keep with the red and green aesthetics, of course). Not only will this help you keep up with your water intake, but it’ll also help keep you satiated, making it easier to resist the plate of Santa’s cookies left out to fuel the big man on his evening delivery route. 

More Numbers: Try the 80/20 Approach 

When it comes to enjoying holiday treats, balance is the best way to beat the post-feast belly blues. Instead of avoiding all the rich foods and indulgent goodies, aim to fill your plate with at least 80% good-for-you options and leave the last 20% to enjoy whatever dishes call to you the most. This game plan will help you stay mindful without feeling deprived of the foodie festivities, which can lead to midnight raids of the leftovers sitting in the fridge once the friends and family have gone their merry way.

Sneak in Shred Time

Squeeze in quick and effective workouts while the turkey roasts and the kids preoccupy themselves with their just-opened gifts from Mr. Clause. Even a 10-minute burst of activity can make a world of difference, firing up your metabolism, boosting energy levels, and feeling like you’ve done something just for you during a time of year many of us are focused primarily on the ones we love. 

Get the Family Involved

Turn family gatherings into active adventures by suggesting activities like touch football, post-meal strolls around the neighborhood (weather-bearing), or games that involve some type of movement, like Twister or even charades, which at least gets everyone on their feet and off the couch when it’s their turn to take the stage.

Sleep it Off

Don't neglect the importance of quality sleep during the holiday chaos. Think of it as recharging your body's batteries to fully enjoy all the festivities without feeling drained. Plus, research shows that when we don’t get enough sleep, we’re more prone to overeating and tend to gravitate specifically to sweet foods for an artificial energy bump. However, that energy is short-lived as you ride the post-dessert blood sugar rollercoaster. 

Seasonal Shape-Up Workout Plan

To make staying active even more accessible, we've put together a week's worth of simple, 30-minute at-home workouts that's perfect for those at all levels of physical fitness. So grab your water, equipment, and motivation, and get ready to sweat, shred, and slay this holiday season.

Equipment Needed

  • A yoga mat or soft surface
  • A set of light dumbbells (optional; you can also use canned foods, like pumpkin, to keep it in the holiday spirit)
  • A sturdy chair or step

Weekly Schedule

  • Monday: Full-Body Strength
  • Wednesday: Cardio & Core
  • Friday: Flexibility & Recovery

Workout Details

Monday: Full-Body Strength (30 minutes)

  • Warm-Up (5 minutes)
    • Arm circles: 1 minute
    • Leg swings: 1 minute
    • March in place: 3 minutes
  • Circuit (Repeat 2x, 20 minutes total)
    • Bodyweight squats: 10-15 reps
    • Push-ups (knee or standard): 5-10 reps
    • Dumbbell rows (using a chair for support): 10 reps for each arm
    • Glute bridges: 10-15 reps
    • Plank hold: 20-30 seconds
  • Cool Down (5 minutes)
    • Gentle stretches focusing on arms, legs, and back.

Wednesday: Cardio & Core (30 minutes)

  • Warm-Up (5 minutes)
    • Jumping jacks: 1 minute
    • High knees: 1 minute
    • Arm swings: 3 minutes
  • Circuit (Repeat 2x, 20 minutes total)
    • Mountain climbers: 30 seconds
    • Bicycle crunches: 10-15 reps
    • Burpees (step back instead of jumping if needed): 5-10 reps
    • Side lunges: 10 reps on each side
    • Russian twists: 10-15 reps
  • Cool Down (5 minutes)
    • Stretching exercises focusing on the core and legs.

Friday: Flexibility & Recovery (30 minutes)

  • Warm-Up (5 minutes)
    • Gentle neck rolls: 1 minute
    • Shoulder shrugs: 1 minute
    • Light jogging in place: 3 minutes
  • Yoga Flow (20 minutes)
    • Downward Dog: 1 minute
    • Cat-Cow stretch: 1 minute
    • Forward fold: 1 minute
    • Warrior I: 30 seconds on each side
    • Child’s pose: 1 minute
    • Seated forward bend: 1 minute
    • Lying spinal twist: 1 minute on each side
    • Savasana (lie flat and relax): 5 minutes
  • Cool Down (5 minutes)
    • Deep breathing and gentle stretching.

Shape Up Summary

  • Set Realistic Goals: Aim for consistency rather than perfection. Even short workouts can make a big difference.
  • Stay Hydrated: Keep yourself hydration-honest. No, eggnog and hot cocoa don’t count. Yes, they’re liquids, but no, they aren’t doing you any good when it comes to keeping it healthy. 
  • Involve Family: Invite family members to join your workouts and plan activities that get everyone on their feet before and after the holiday meals. 
  • Schedule Shred Time: Put your workouts on your calendar (digital or physical), or use a fitness tracking app to help you stay on track.

From ours to yours, have a happy, healthy, and love-filled holiday season fam!

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