Written by Just Water
We’ve all seen the TikTok videos, read the articles, and likely crossed paths with the wellness gurus preaching the benefits of regular self-care. However, if you find that a lot of these practices feel a bit out of touch and unrealistic for those of us balling on a budget, you’re not alone.
Don’t get us wrong–we fully believe in and support the idea of self-care, but when so much of the self-care content out there seems overly complicated, expensive, and time consuming, it’s a bit off-putting and discouraging for us average, non-influencer joe’s. So, while we would LOVE to pop into the spa on the regular, bask like a roast chicken in a red light sauna, or luxuriate in a candle-lit bubble bath (complete with a pastel-hued bath-bomb, obviously), it’s simply not realistic for most of us.
Today, we’re here to rock the expensive and excessive self-care paradigm by dropping our favorite FREE relax-hacks that help us recharge, recoup, & indulge in TLC on the regular. So if you’re ready to level up your life with stupid-easy (& cheap) self-care, read on!
Stupid Easy & Free Self-Care Hacks
Putting Your Phone on DND
It’s easy to joke about how our smartphones have become a fifth appendage in today’s tech-driven world. However, time and time again, research shows an inverse correlation between screen time and challenges with mental health. So if you’ve been feeling mentally drained or emotionally exhausted, do yourself a solid & throw your phone on Do Not Disturb mode as often as you can–we promise, the world will not end & you won’t miss anything earth-shattering by taking some offline time to recharge.
Unfollowing Accounts on Social Media
Have you noticed that after a social media scrolling sesh, you feel a bit–off? Social media can be a fun place to connect with others and share snippets of our lives. However, it does have a dark side, particularly for those who struggle with mental health (and even for those who don’t). Studies show that regular use of social media can lead to a higher degree of comparison between ourselves and others, leading to an uptick in negative body image, self-esteem, and general psychological well-being.
Our tip? Take time to do a sweep of the accounts you follow on social media & unfollow any that make you feel down, discouraged, or triggered. Remember–social media is a highlight reel at best & a complete facade at worst, so if an account is no longer serving you or adding value to your life, go on a tap that unfollow.
Getting More Sleep
Whether it’s allowing yourself to skip the morning alarm on the weekend, making sure to hit the sack early enough each night to ensure you’re getting your eight hours, or cuddling up for a nap whenever the opportunity presents itself, adding more quality sleep into your self-care routine is a simple (and free) way to reduce mental distress, improve mental clarity, & generally boost your quality of life.
Scheduling Sunshine Time
You know the feeling–that blissed out state you find yourself in when you're sitting outside with a cool breeze blowing and sunshine showering you with just the right amount of feel-good warmth. Simply taking some time to enjoy fresh air and sunshine is one of the easiest ways to practice self-care.
An added bonus? Research shows that adequate sun exposure reduces our perceived stress, thereby solidifying this as a solid & science-backed addition to your self-care regimen.
Jotting Down Your Wins from the Week
Many of us rely on to-do lists to stay on track with our daily work, life, and housekeeping tasks. However, if you’ve never tried a ta-dah list, it’s time to give it a shot! By writing down your “ta-dah!” moments from the week (whether it’s personal or professional wins, situations that made you laugh or smile, or anything else that made you feel the warm & fuzzies), it pushes you to reflect on all the goodness you have going on in your life. Plus, if you keep up with it, by the end of the year, you’ll have a complete happiness log of highlights to look back on whenever you need a mental boost.
Stretching Out
From our workouts to our workdays, many of us find ourselves in a suboptimal physical state, complete with tight, achy muscles and poor posture. One easy way to practice self-care then, is to set aside some time each day (we like to plan it into our morning and evening routines) to stretch it out with gentle, feel-good movements and static stretches (think child’s pose, seated forward fold, & cat/cow).
Feel like stretching is a waste of time? Science says otherwise! Implementing a regular stretch routine has been linked to reduced anxiety and fatigue while boosting vitality, mental wellness, and general health.
Cutting Back on Caffeine
We get it-being human is exhausting. So much so that many of us lean heavily on caffeinated beverages like coffee, soda, tea, and energy drinks to power through our days. Unfortunately, while many of the stimulant properties of caffeine are great for boosting energy, alertness, & physical performance, it also has been linked to increased symptoms of panic and anxiety, particularly in caffeine-sensitive or anxiety-prone populations.
If you’re worried about cutting back and replacing your favorite afternoon pop or energy drink, try swapping in an equally delicious, stimulant-free, and substantially more health-supportive option like JUST Bubbles or Infused.
Calling & Catching Up with Your People
They’re the people you’d send a “i’m having one of those days…” text to, knowing that within 2 minutes, your phone would ding back with a “come over–i’ll get the wine and we’ll order take out, your pick”. These are your people and they are just the humans you can lean on for comfort, connection, and empathy during the best (and worst) of times.
If you find yourself feeling out of sorts, one of the easiest and most effective ways you can practice self-care is by giving them a call and catching up, or better yet, making a game plan to get together. In a time when loneliness has become an epidemic, there is no better way to care for yourself than by surrounding yourself with good people and nourishing your soul with good times spent together.
Giving Yourself Permission to do Nothing
We don’t know about you, but we’re more than ready to see “hustle culture” hustle its way out. The idea that, in order to succeed, thrive, & progress (in business or otherwise), it requires an unreasonable and unwavering dedication to constantly “doing”. Take it from us–this is a recipe for burnout, breakdown, & exhaustion, and that’s just no way to live.
You don’t need our (or anyone else’s, for that matter) permission to say no. In fact, we recommend saying it more and doing less whenever you feel that would serve you. Just as they say when you're zipping through the clouds on an airplane–you have to put your oxygen mask on first before you can help the passenger next to you.
So say no to plans, extra work, or superfluous obligations and let yourself simply relax–without guilt or influence from society telling you to move, do, work, push! There’s a time and a place for that, but it’s not 24/7.
Eating & Drinking to Be Merry
Nourishing our bodies is a fundamental piece of our mental and physical well-being, so it’s no wonder that many of us could do our body a solid by taking better care of it. One of the best ways to practice self-care is simply fueling with better-for-you-foods and beverages. Not only will you feel better swapping out processed foods, alcohol, and junk drinks for wholesome, nature-made alternatives, but it’s also an easy way to shift the way you think about yourself.
We take better care of things we cherish, so when we level up how we care for ourselves, we’re subconsciously holding ourselves at a higher value. This then, sets the stage for better self-esteem, self-perception, and self-efficacy.
So treat yourself like you’d treat those aesthetic houseplants decorating your home and drink up! Because what better way to fill your (figurative) cup up than starting with a real cup filled with the finest mountain-sourced spring water.
Cheers to choosing yourself–trust us, you’re worth choosing.

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